Not only is our tower out of service, but, just before it went out of service, our emails started reloading again. Apparently what happened is that the messages were never really deleted from the server. So, in January, when we went into our email we had thousands of messages. First, we were told to manually delete them! The idea of manually deleting thousands of messages is ridiculous, but we started doing it to see what would happen. The problem was as soon as we deleted even a few, more were reloaded. Finally, after several calls and requests for help, a technician spent over an hour with me, and she was able to solve the problem.
Now, the same thing has happened again, and our ‘deleted’ email messages from months ago continue to re-load. It would be funny if it wasn’t so bloody annoying. I spent 45 minutes on the phone with Tech Support—no solution because first we have to regain connection to the tower before we can address the email issues.
After that venting, let’s move on to a happier topic. February was heart month, and I am blessed to have family and friends who are dear to my heart.
First heart story: Doug and I spent twelve days in Southern California where we enjoyed unseasonably warm weather—record of 32 Celsius/90 degrees Fahrenheit one day. Our granddaughter was with us for most of those days, and we helped celebrate her fifth birthday just a few days early. She knows the paths at the condo complex where we rent so well that she states, “Follow me Grandpa and Grandma, I’m the leader.” Hmmm…this is an issue as all three of us want to be leaders so no followers. However, she usually got to lead! She liked jumping the waves as they rolled in and playing in the sand. We spent a day at Legoland where we had to take turns on the roller coasters with her. She was very annoyed on a ride where the operators wouldn’t turn us upside down because she’s too short. She specifically wanted to go on the ride so she could be turned upside down. Maybe next year….
Second heart story: Most Fridays, our Calgary grandchildren spend the day with us. We enjoy watching them learn and grow. Last week we made ginger shape cookies. The challenge is to actually get the cookies on the baking sheet because they both love dough. It was warm enough in the afternoon that we played outside. The only problem was that the snow was so deep, it’s impossible to get to the playground. Then we tried tobogganing but the snow was too sticky. Thanks to Doug’s diligent shovelling and cleaning of the driveway, they were able to ride the tricycles.
I am very blessed to have caring family and friends. I appreciate that I’m able to do all the activities I enjoy, and even some domestic jobs that just have to be done. I’m also thankful for all of you who read my Musings. I will try to forget about annoying issues such as lack of internet service and appreciate all the good people and events in my life.
As I post this note now that the internet is working again, the snow continues to fall. If March is here, can spring be far behind?