It has been a year of some changes for us. Our golden retriever, Hayley, passed away on October 17th. The day before her death she walked to the highway and back with us to pick up the newspaper. Although she had gradually been slowing down, she was still eating and drinking normally. On the morning of the 17th, she got up and made it down the back stairs and then collapsed and was unable to stand again. Doug carried her outside, and we were fortunate that it was a nice day and we were able to be outside with her in one of her favorite spots. The Vet came and told us that her vitals were low, and Hayley died peacefully. She would have been 14 in December so she lived a long life for a large breed dog. We miss her as she was a great companion.
Our family made the decision to put the Wakaw Lake cabin up for sale. This was a difficult choice given that we’ve owned the property for 39 years. We have happy memories of our time at the lake. Many of you reading this letter will also remember spending time at Wakaw Lake, waterskiing and being taken on exuberant tube-rides, followed by beer and wine on the deck along with meals. There were also many special, quieter moments searching and finding the eagles’ nest and listening to the call of the loons on the lake. We listed the cabin in September, and, so far, it hasn’t sold. So, we’ll see what the spring and summer brings.
Doug finished his 40 Ford Convertible and was able to take it to the Okotoks Show & Shine. Lorraine drove the 40 Ford Deluxe Coupe in as part of the Library display. In the fall, Doug sold his 56 Corvette Race Car to a man who lives on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Given the variability of the weather and the distance to a race track, Doug found that he wasn’t able to drive the race car much. After that sale, he bought a 67 Ford Fairlane. For his winter project, Doug is working on the 38 Ford.
Working on cars, golfing in the summer and curling twice a week in the winter keeps Doug busy. He spends a great deal of time on yard work—mowing in the summer and plowing/shovelling in the winter. We had snow in September this year, and the snow/thaw/freeze/snow cycle seems to be firmly in place.
Lorraine is still on the Okotoks Public Library Board, and a new, expanded library has just been approved as part of a Learning Campus. Construction is slated to start in April 2020; occupancy in the summer of 2021. The fundraising will become even busier now, and it is a challenge in these tough economic times.
Lorraine enjoyed an eight-day trip to Southern Italy in November with some members of her online writing group. She visited Rome, Pompei, Naples, Cabri and the group was based in the lovely small city of Sorrento. It’s a beautiful area, and the pasta and pizza were good too! We also did some writing in between touring and eating.
We hope you and your family are well. If you’re in the Calgary or Foothills area, please call or come and visit.